Monday, August 13, 2007

First Stitches

Friday afternoon and I’m trying to get ready to go out of town for a Jordan Essentials Product Launch in Colorado. Luke is in my room as is Slugger. Luke is pestering the dog (as usual), the dog is growling warnings (as usual), and I’m saying “Leave the dog alone!” (as usual). All of a sudden I hear Luke crying really hard and see him holding his lip.

There is blood and when I pry his hand away from his mouth, Luke has a small gash in his bottom lip. I know it’s gonna need at least one stitch. CRAP!!!

I take my screaming child (“I don’t want to go to the doctor!!!), put him in the car and head to the doctor where I’m told he will need a stitch.

I am given 3 options:
1. Have four people hold him down, he gets 2 shots to numb his lip and then he gets the stitch.
2. Take him to Primary Children’s Hospital, wait 4+ hours, have them knock him out and he gets the stitch.
3. Try DermaBond to glue it together. No guarantee that it will stay shut.

Knowing how my son will freak out over being held down and that I don’t want to spend the night at the hospital for a 30 sec. stitching up, I choose to try the glue. It doesn't hold. The Doctor says since you are already holding him down, let’s go for the stitch without the numbing shots.

So I hold Luke on my chest while lying down, hold his arms folded across his chest and have my legs wrapped around his, while the nurse holds his head still. The doctor then proceeds to sew up Luke’s little lip lickety split.

He was so brave. Oh, he screamed alright, but as soon as the doctor cut the extra thread off, Luke got quiet. I just held him and the nurse let him choose 5 treats from the treat bowl. He chose 5 chocolate Dum Dums, which he had eaten by the time we got home (5 minutes away).

It hasn’t bugged him since, and it hasn’t stopped him from pestering the dog…DANG IT!

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