Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Easy(???) Like Sunday Morning

Lionel Ritchie is currently singing about being “Easy Like Sunday Morning”. I’ve never bothered to think about that before, but now as I’m scrubbing the stovetop off, I’m thinking how dumb that is!

I certainly don’t know what kind of Sunday mornings he experiences, but mine are FAR from easy! Bathing two small kids and getting them dressed and hair done for church (which most mothers will know is a battle), getting myself showered, dressed, hair & makeup done, attending Scout Committee meetings of some variety, coming home and feeding us all and getting everyone out the door (don’t forget the activity bag with accompanying treats) to get to church on time.

Yeah, easy, easy Sunday morning! What crap!

1 comment:

The Justice Family said...

We stayed at the Weston Plaza...not as fancy as it sounds...but I think all hotel bedspreads are the same. They must have some code in the hotel world that they can only use 1 of 3 patterns.