Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Elves 2008

At noon last Friday the sun came out and I rushed the kids into the car for 2 hours of fun with the Elves at Gardner Village.

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Jaqui said...

The kissy pictures are just too cute! I'm glad you made it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a nice day so I can take my kids... preferably when Kaella can go to. How do I put in a request for that?

Emily K. said...

I totally forgot about the elves. Thanks for the idea. You're always so fun!

Amy said...
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Amy said...

Your nice to take your kids! this afternoon is wonderfully pleasant I wish I wasn't so busy! But it looks like fun I was hoping to see more pics from this adventure but these are plenty. I do love the kissing pic that made me smile :)