1. What is something Dad always says to you? (L) "Go to your room" (B) “Hello Piddies!” (his nickname for her)
2. What makes Dad happy? (L) Being nice. (B) When I wear my pink Jazz jersey.
3. What makes Dad sad? (L) Nothing. (B) When I don’t wear my jersey.
4. How does Dad make you laugh? (L) He doesn’t make me laugh. (B) Tickling me.
5. What was Dad like as a child? (L) He had a go-kart. (B) He liked red licorice.
6. How old is your Dad? (L) 40 (he's 32) (B) Forty ninety thousand.
7. How tall is your Dad? (L) short (B) 50 feet tall
8. What is his favorite thing to do? (L) Playing the wii. (B) Go to the baseball game and eating licorice all the time.
9. What does your Dad do when you're not around? (L) DUH! I don’t know - cause I’m not watching! (B) Calls us.
10. If your Dad becomes famous, what will it be for? (L) Being rich and having a lot of money. (B) Dribbling and swirling the basketball on his finger - EVERYTHING!
11. What is your Dad really good at? (L) Catch. (B) Hugging me.
12. What is your Dad not very good at? (L) Winning. (B) Remembering.
13. What does your Dad do for his job? (L) Works at the radio station. (B) Working at the radio station & making people do the right things for their station stuff.
14. What is your Dad's favorite food? (L) Mashed Potatoes. (B) Ham sandwiches from Blimpies.
15. What makes you proud of your Dad?
(L) I don’t know. (B) When he shares licorice.
16. If your Dad were a cartoon character, who would he be?
(L) the Flash. (B) the Hulk17. What do you and your Dad do together?
(L) Get dessert. (B) Get slurpees at 7-1118. How are you and your Dad the same?
(L) We’re both boys. (B) We both like cinnamon rolls with frosting on them.19. How are you and your Dad different?
(L) I’m short and he’s tall. (B) He’s a boy and I’m a girl.
20. How do you know your Dad loves you?
(L) I don’t know (B) He hugs me.