Monday, June 30, 2008

Tacky or Not?

Seriously, did I miss the memo saying that wearing black bras under a white shirt was no longer tacky?


heidivee said...

Nope, still tacky. :)
Thank you for the link to the Mormom Times page. It made me cry a little but is SO what I needed to read today. THANK YOU!

Jennilynn said...

Oh so tacky! You know I met this lady at Dillards (Bra shopping) who had to have a black bra- no the color would do! You know she is walking around with a white shirt on!

Kelli said...

Woo Hoo! I have just been dying to wear my black bra under my white Shade Tee! I am thrilled to learn that this is acceptable! =P

Thank you for the Superwoman article. It was great. You always find those wonderful things and I am so glad you send them to me!

Amy said...

I was wondering just the other day if their were any fashion rules out there anymore. Everything I was taught seems to be completely the opposite of fashion these days. I guess I will just be tacky sice I refuse to give up my fashion rules.
have a happy day.