Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We just got gas for $3.75/gallon! Isn't it sad that these days we think that's cheap?

What's the price at home?

$3.66 here


Amy said...

I am jealous! I need to gas up here in a day or so and will be paying 4.25ish. that is unless it has gone up since I looked a day or so ago.

By the way, your poor dog is very lonely. The first time we went over yesterday he just snuggled next to me for 25 minutes before he even attempted to see my kids. We stayed for an hour. Our 2nd visit was only a 1/2 hour and he whimpered tons when we left. Today so far when we went out for 45 minutes for the morning visit. He only left my lap to do his business. He didn't even try to lick anyone ;)
I hope that you are having tons of fun. Thank goodness for blogs. We miss you.

ducknme said...

I just got gas this morning and I paid $4.17 a gallon. Brian says gas prices are supposed to go down. I don't beleive him.

Jaqui said...

ARRG! I hope we find cheaper gas on way to Canada!

I hope you're having a great time. Thanks for posting even though it takes forever on the blackberry.

Katie said...

Sounds like the vacation is going great. Keep having fun. The family pictures are adorable.

J said...

It looks like you are having a great time! I am like you and I will worry every time I fly with the kids. I don't like to fly anyway, but with two kids... Jer saw some fireflies here, but I haven't yet -- I can't wait for Z to see them. Yum, Steak-n-Shake, but I haven't tried the side-by-side Milk Shakes yet. I guess I will have to :)